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Parts I, II. (Trans., p. 1-319, Proc. i-xvi) published 15 Aug., 1919 i LV. 55 321-467, ,, xvii—lxiv) » 15 Jan., 1920 Ixv—lxxviil) » 1 April, 1320
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FouNDED, 1833.
OFFICERS and COUNCIL for the SESSION 1919-1920.
President, ComMMANDER JAMES J. WALKER, M.A., R.N., F.LS.
C. J. GAHAN, M.A., D.Sc. G. A. K. MARSHALL, D.Sc. F.ZS. Tue Rey. F. D. MORICE, M.A., F.Z.S.
Treasurer, W. G. SHELDON, F.Z.S.
THe Rev. GEORGE WHEELER, M.A., F.Z.S. S. A. NEAVE, M.A., D.Sc., F.Z,8.
Otber Members of Council.
H. ELTRINGHAM, M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.S. A. D. IMMS, M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S. H. E. PAGE.
Resident Librarian. GEORGE BETHELL, F.R.Hisz-.S.
Ava») Trustees of the Society.
Business and Publications Committee.
And the Executive Officers of the Council.
British Mational Committee of Entomological Momenclature.
List of Fellows — ... ais “a oi at fae ale ( ix )
Additions to the Libr ary. ae kc hee a = Bat (ERX XL)
List of Benefactious 5H aes on ae as 365 eee ey (lw) MEMOTRS.
I. Butterfly Vision. By H. Errrincuam, M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.8. ... 1
Il. The synonymy and types of certain genera of Hymenoptera, especially of those discussed by the Rey. F. D. Morice and Mr. Jno. Hartley Durrant in connection with the long- forgotten “Erlangen List” of Panzer and Jurine. By J. CHESTER BRADLEY, M.S., Pu.D., Assistant Professor of Systematic Entomology in Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Communicated by C. Gorpon Hewirt, D.X&c. 50
III. A Migration of Yellow Butterflies aa aaa sativa) in Trinidad, By C. B. Wirtiams, M.A. 76
IV. Note on Bonelli’s “ Tableau Synoptique.” By H.E.ANDREWES 89
V. Notes on the Ancestry of the Diptera, Hemiptera and other Insects related to the Veuroptera. By G. Cuesrer CraMp- Ton, PH.D. Communicated by G. T. BrrxHune- ey F. nee F.Z.S8. me 880 2 cf ac. UB:
Vi. On the types of Oriental Carabidae in the British Museum, and in the spel Department of the Oxford University
Museum. By H. E. ANDREWES es 119 VII. “he British Species of Andrena and Nomada. By R. C. L. Perkins, M.A., D.8c., etc. ate a6 ane ae oa. ols
VIII. Nees on the Exotic Proctotrupoidea in the British and Oxford Tniversity Museums, with Descriptions of New Genera and Svecies. By Aran P. Dopp. Communicated Ee 52 A. Neave, D.Sc. Bee se 23 re . d2l
IX. The scent-scale of bdivanter ya liliana Gr. Smith. By F. A. Dizey, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Subwarden of Wadham College, Ox'ord ote oe 383
X. A new Hydroptila. By} MarTIN HE, Mosery ... + oa OO
XI. Scent-ergans in the Genus Pp ahe st (Mrichopter By Martin E. MosEry ah .- 9393
XII. The Male Abdominal se and ree ue of Habrocerus capiliaricornis Grav. LO ee Nie amenel Py Freprrick Muir . 398
( viii )
XIII. On the Mechanism of the Male Genital Tube in Colour By Freperick Muir _... 404
XIV. A New Family of ai oh the Anthelidae. by A. JEFFERIS TurRNER, M.D. ep 415
XV. On the Histology of the Scent-organs in the Genus peer drop Dal. By H. Evrrineuam, M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.8. 420
XVI. New Moths collected by Mons. A. Avinorr in W. Turkestan
and Kashmir during his journeys in 1909-1912. By Sir
GEORGE F. Hampson, Bart. Communicated by J. HartTiey DURRANT ... aes tee ane acc “Se ee 431
XVII. Cocoon Softening in some Agrotids ae By tty ae CuHaprmaNn, M.D., F.RB.S. ... eee 435
XVIII. Notes on Lycaena alcon F., as reared in 1918-1919. oe AD AL. CuapMman, M.D.,F.R.S. ... 443
XIX. Contributions to the Life History of Fycaena ephems Hb. By T. A. Coapman, M.D., F.R.S 450 Addendum to Dr. CuEstER CRAMPTON’s paper... ee 2. | 466
Addendum to Mr. H. E. AnprEwes’ Note on Bonelli’s “Tableau Synoptique” ... Se es sbi ae «-- 467
Proceedings for 1919 __... ioe bsg oy ay a we 1-1 xxviii Annual Meeting ... sas ee aan Acie ase cine aut )xxix Balance: Sheet... hae sp ee is axe ac oe lxxxv President’s Address ah ie ee. be ee oe Bee lxxxix General Index... ahi ey nae ak ee =e B44 cXVill Special Index ee aes ves ase bss z& vat ae exxiil Errata eas Boke <f nent fe ccs es ies ays cee exlil
Plates I-V See page 49 Plate XX See page / 402 Plates VI-X a 88 Plate XXI a 413 Plates XI-XV Att SG’ Pinte Seedy , eee Plate XVI * $88 ‘Plates XXIII-XXvilI 7” / 448 Plate XVII ” - 392-s«Plates KXXIX-XXXVI 7/ 465 Plates XVII-X1X NE PROCEEDINGS. Plate A. See page xv. Plate B. mi xlv.
Sketch Map = Ixxxix.
( ix )
ist of Fellows
Date of Election.
1900 Aurivinitus, Professor Christopher, Stockholm.
1915 Berrwiesy, Professor Antonio, via Romana, 19, Firenze, Italy.
1905 Botivar, Ignacio, Museo wacional de Historia natural, Hipodromo, 17, Madrid.
1911 Comstock, Prof. J. H., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A.
1894 Foret, Professor Auguste, M.D., Yvorne, Canton de Vand, Switzerland.
1898 Grassi, Professor Battista, The University, Rome.
1915 Howarp, Dr. L. O., National Museum, Washington, U.S.A.
1914 Lameere, Professor A., 74, rue Defarg, Bruxelles.
1918 Marcuat, Dr. Paul, President of the Entomological Society of France, 45, rwe de Verriéres, Antony, Seine, France.
1908 OsbeERTHUR, Charles, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France.
1913 Tran-SHanski, A. P. Semenoff, Vassili Ostrov, 8 lin., 39, Petrograd, Russia.
1911 Wasmayy, Fr. Erich, 8.J., Valkenburg (L.) Ignatius Kolleg, Holland.
Date of Election.
1916 (1894) Mratnt, Louis Compton, F.R.S., (Councrt, 1903, 1908), Norton Way N., Letchworth.
1916 (1888) YreRBuRyY, Colonel John W., late R.A., F.Z.S., (Councit, 1896, 1903-5), 2, Ryder-street, St. James's, 8. W.
FELLOWS. (The names of those who have not yet paid either the Entrance Fee or the first year’s subscription are not included.) Marked * have died during the year. Marked + have compounded for their Annual Subseriptions. Marked t¢ have signed the Obligation Book (to Dec. 1919). Marked || have ceased to be Fellows during the year.
Date of Election
1914 7 Aparr, E. W., B.A., Turf Club, Cairo, Egypt. 1913 ¢ Avams, B. G., 15, Fernshaw-roud, Chelsea, 8. W.
1877 { Apams, Frederick Charlstrom, F.Z.S., 28, Montague Mansions, Portman-square, W. 1.
1902 ADKIN, Benaiah Whitley, Trenoweth, Hope-park, Bromley, Kent.
1885 { ADKIN, Robert, (CounciL, 1901-2, 1911-13), Hodeslea, Meads, Hastbowrne.
1912 Aten, J. W., M.A., 266, Wiliesden-lane, London, N.W. 2.
1911 AwnpeErson, T. J., Entomological Laboratory, Kabeti, Brit. H. Africa.
1919¢{ANDREWES, Christopher Howard, 1, North-grove, Highgate, N. 6.
19107¢ANDREwES, H. E., 8, North-grove, Highgate, N. 6.
1899 { AnDREws, Henry W., Woodside, Victoria-road, Eltham, S.E. 9.
1901 ¢ Annine, William, 39, Lime Street, E.C. 3.
1908 { AnTtRAM, Charles B., Somerdale Estate, Ootacamund, Nilgiri Hills, S. India.
1913 ¢ ArmyracE, Edward O., Ingleby, Armytage, Victoria, Australia.
1907 ¢ ArNoxD, G., M.Sc., A.R.C.S., Curator, Rhodesia Museum, Bulawayo, S. Africa.
1899}{ARRow, Gilbert J., (Councit, 1905-7), 9, Rossdale-road, Putney, S.W. 15 ; and British Musewm (Natural History), Cromwell-road, Se WaT
1911} Asupy, Edward Bernard, 36, Bulstrode-road, Hounslow, Middlesex.
19077 {AsHpy, Sidney R., 39, Park-lane, Wembley, Middlesex.
1886 Armorg, E. A., 48, High-street, King’s Lynn.
1913 Avinorr, André, Liteyny, 12, Petrograd, Russia.
1914 Awarti, P. R., Medical Entomologist, c/o Grindlay & Co., Bankers, 26, Westmorland-street, Calcutta.
1901 ¢ Bacot, Arthur W., (Counotn, 1916-18), York Cottage, York-ill, Loughton, Essex.
1904}£BaGnatt, Richard §., Penshaw Lodge, Penshaw, Durham.
1909 + Bacweti-Pureroy, Capt. Edward, Hast Farleigh, Maidstone.
1916 Batrour, Miss Alice, 4, Carlton-gardens, 8.W., and Whittingehame, Prestonkirk, Scotland.
1912 Batiarp, Edward, Govt. Entomologist, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore, Madras, S. India.
1886 { Banxes, Eustace R., M.A.
1890 Barcuay, Francis H., F.G.8., The. Warren, Cromer.
1886 Bareaeui, Marchese Piero, Piazza S. Maria, Palazzo Tempi No. 1, Florence, Italy.
1895 Barker, Cecil N., 81, Bellevue-road, Durban, Natal, South Africa.
1902 { BarrauD, Philip J., Chester Cottage, Benhill-road, Sutton, Surrey.
1907 { Barrierr, H. Frederick D., 1, Myrtle-road, Bowrnemouth.
1894+¢Bareson, Prof. William, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, The Manor House, Merton, Surrey.
1908 Bayrorp, E. G., 2, Rockingham-street, Barnsley.
1904 Bayne, Arthur F., c/o Messrs, Freeman, Castle-street, /ramlingham, Suffolk. .
( ab )
1912 ¢ Baynes, Edward Stuart Augustus, 120, Warwick-street, Eccleston- square, S.W. 1.
1896{BeaRrE, Prof. T. Hudson, B.Sc, F.R.S.E., (V.-Pres., 1910; CounciL, 1909-11), 10, Regent Terrace, Edinburgh.
1908 ¢ Beck, Richard, Heckitt, The Park, Yeovil.
1905 Berprorp, The Duke of, K.G., Pres. Z.8., etc., Wobwrn Abbey, Beds.
1912 Beprorp, Gerald, Entomologist to the Union of South Africa, Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory, Ondestepoort, Pretoria, Transvaal.
1913 BrEprorp, Capt. Hugh Warren, Church Felles, Horley.
1899 { BepwELL, Ernest C., (Councin, 1917-19), Bruggen, Brighton-road, Coulsdon, Surrey.
1914 || BenpERirrer, Eugéne, 11, Rue St. Jacques, Le Mans, France.
1904 Brnersson, Simon, Ph.D., Lecturer, University of Lund, Sweden ; Curator, Entomological Collection of the University.
1915 Benunam, Prof. William Blaxland, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
1906 ¢ Benratt, E. E., The Towers, Heybridge, Essex.
1913 ¢ Best-GarDNER, Charles C., Rookwood, Neath, Glamorgan.
1885 + BeraunE-BakeER, George T., F.LS., F.Z.8., (PreEs., 1913-14; V.-Pres., 1910-11, 1915; Councrt, 1895, 1910-15, 1919- ), 19, Clarendon-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham.
1918 Brveriper, Col. W. W. O., C.B., D.S.0., R.A.M.C., c/o J. H. Durrant, Esq., Natural History Musewm, Cromwell-road, 8. Kensington, S.W. 7.
1891 { Buaser, W. H., F.L.S., 34, Cromwell-road, Hove, Brighton.
1904 ¢ Brack, James E., F.L.S., Nethercroft, Peebles.
1904 ¢ Buair, Kenneth G., (Councin, 1918- ), Claremont, 120, Sunning-
fields-road, Hendon, N.W. 4.
1885*}Biatuwayt, Lt.-Col. Linley, F.L.S., Hagle House, Batheaston, Bath.
1904 ¢ Briss, Maurice Frederick, M.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 130, High Town-road, Luton, Beds.
1916 ¢ Bocock, Charles Hanslope, The Elms, Ashley, Newmarket.
1912 Bopkxtn, G. C., Govt. Entomologist, Georgetown, British Guiana.
1903 ' Bogus, W. A., The Bank House, Watchet.
1911 Borrav, H., 99, Rue de la Cote St. Thibault, Bois de Colombes, Seine, France.
1891 Booru, George A., F.Z.S.,M.B.0.U., The Hermitage, Kirkham, Lanes.
1902 ¢ Bostock, E. D., Oulton Cross, Stone, Staffs.
1913 Bowater, Captain William, 20, Russell-road, Moseley, Birmingham.
1888 { Bownr, Benjamin A.,- Langley, Willow Grove, Chislehurst.
1894+¢Bow ts, E. Augustus, M.A., Myddelton House, Waltham Cross.
1912 + Bowrtna, C. Talbot, Hoithow, Hainan, S. China.
1919 ¢ Box, Lieut. L. A., 35, Great James-street, W.C. 1.
1916 Box, Leonard Charles, F.R.H.S., Dominion Experimental Station, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
1910 Boyp, A. Whitworth, Frandley House, nr. Northwich.
(i xa 1)
1905 Bracken, Charles W., B.A., 5, Carfrae Terrace, Lipson, Plymouth.
1919 Brapury, Prof. J. Chester, M.Sc., Asst. Prof. of Systematic Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A.
1917 Breiger, Dr. H. G., Ph.D., Director of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, Transvaal, S. Africa.
1870 { Briaes, Thomas Henry, M.A., Rock House, Lynmouth S.0.,N.Devon.
1894 { Bricut, Percy M., Cheriton, 26, Portchester-road, Bournemouth.
1909 Brirren, Harry, 22, Birch-grove, Levenshulme, Manchester.
1902 { Broueuron, Major T. Delves, R.E., Mhow, India.
1878 * Broun, Major Thomas, Chev. Legion of Honour, Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand.
1904 { Brown, Henry H., Tower House, 8, Bruntsfield-terrace, Edinburgh.
1919 Brown, James Meikle, B.Sc., F.1.S., F.C.S., 176, Carterknowle-road, ‘Millhouses, Sheffield.
1910 Browne, Horace B., M.A., Kenilworth, Scratcherd- eine Morley, Yorks.
1911 Brurzer, Rev. Henry W., Upton Vicarage, Peterborough.
1909 { Bryant, Gilbert E., 89, Westbowrne-terrace, Hyde Park, W. 2.
1898 + BucHan-Hepporn, Sir Archibald, Bart., J.P., D.L., Smeaton- Hepburn, Prestonkirk.
1917 Buckury, Dr. George Granville, M.D., F.S.A., Rye Croft South, Manchester-road, Bury, Lanes.
1919 Buckuourst, A. 8., 9, Sowldern-road, W. 14.
1916 Buenton, Prof. E., La Luciole, Aix-en-Provence, France.
1907 Bute, Arthur, F.S.A., Wimboro, Midsomer Norton, Somer'setshire.
1919 ¢ Bunnert, E. J., M.A., 9, London-road, Forest Hill, 8.E. 23.
1896+ ¢BuRrR, Malcolm, D.Sc., F.LS., F.Z.S., F.G.S., A.R.S.M., (V.-Prezs., 1912 ; Councin, 1903, 4, 1910-12), United University Club, Pall Mall East, 8.W. 1.
1909 { Burrows, The Rey. C. R. N., The Vicarage, Mucking, Stanford-le- Hope, Essex.
1868} {BourLer, Arthur G., Ph.D., F.L.8., F.Z.8., (Src., 1875; Counc, 1876), The Lilies, Beckenham-road, Beckenham.
1883 { Borner, Edward Albert, B.A., B.Se., (Councrn, 1914-16), 14, Drylands-road, Hornsey, N. 8.
1902 { Burier, William E., Hayling House, Oxford-road, Reading.
1905 + BurrERFIELD, Jas. A., B.Sc., Ormesby, 21, Dorville-road, Lee, S.E.
1914 + BurreRFIELD, Rosse, Curator, Corporation Museum, Keighley, Yorks.
1912}{Buxton, Patrick Alfred, M.B.0.U., Fairhill, Tonbridge; and Trinity College, Cambridge.
1904 { Byarr, Sir Horace A., K.C.M.G., B.A. Government House, Dar-es- Salaam, E. Africa.
1917 Cameron, Dr. Alfred E., M.A., D.Sc., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatown, Canada.
1902 { CamEROoN, Surgeon-Commander Malcolm, M.B., R.N., (Counci, 1919- ), 7, Blessington-road, Lee, 5.E.
© “xiii '})
1885 CampsBenL, Francis Maule, F.L.8., F.Z.S., ete, Kilronan, S. Nutfield, Surrey.
1898 CanprzE, Léon, Mont St. Martin 75, Liege.
1880 CanspaLE, W. D., Sunny Bank, South Norwood, S.E. 25.
1889 ¢ Cant, A., 33, Festing-road, Putney, 8.W. 15.
1910 Carter, E. Wace, M.D., F.R.S.E., Morningside, Granville-road, Dorridge, and The University, Birmingham.
1892 + CarpenteR, The Honble. Mrs. Beatrice, 22, Grosvenor-road, S.W.1.
1919 Carpenter, Cyril F., 7, Cranbrook-road, Redlands, Bristol.
1910 CarPEnTER, Geoffrey D. H., D.M., B.Ch., c/o Prof. Poulton, University Musewm, Oxford.
1895 { Carpenter, Prof. George H., B.A., D.Sc., Royal College of Science, Dublin.
1898 { Carpenter, J. H., Redcot, Belmont-road, Leatherhead,
1915 Carr, Professor John Wesley, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S., Professor of Biology, University College, Nottingham.
1915 Carr, William, B.Sc., Station-road, Bentham, Lancaster.
1911 * Carson, George Moffatt, Entomologist to the Government of New Guinea, Port Moresby, Papua, vid Australia.
1895 Carter, Sir Gilbert, K.C.M.G., Greycliffe, Lower Warberry-road, Torquay.
1912 Carrer, Henry Francis, Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Medical and Economic Entomology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool.
1906 ¢ Carter, H. J., B.A., Garrawillah, Kintore-street, Wahroonga, Sydney, N.S.W.
1900 Carter, J. W., 15, Westfield-road, Heaton, Bradford.
1889}{Cave, Charles J. P., Ditcham Park, Petersfield.
1900 CHAMBERLAIN, Neville, Westbourne, Edgbaston, Birmingham.
1871 { Campion, George C., F.Z.S., A.L.S., Liprartan, 1891— (Councit, 1875-7); Heatherside, Horsell, Woking; and 45, Pont-street, mete ke
1914+ CHampion, Harry George, B.A., Assistant Conservator of Forests, W. Almora, U.P., India.
1891 { CHapman, Thomas Algernon, M.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S., (V.-PREs., 1900, 1904-5, 1908, 1916-17 ; CouncrL, 1898-1900, 1903-5, 1907-9, 1916-18), Betula, Reigate.
1919 CHarreRJEE, Nibaran Chandra, B.Se., Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, United Provinces, India.
1897 { CHawner, Miss Ethel F., Forest Bank, Lyndhurst S.0., Hants.
1913 ¢ CuEavin, Capt. W. H.S., F.C.S., F.R.M.LS., F.N.P.S., Demonstrator, Chemistry Dept., Middlesex Medical College, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, W. 1.
1919 CuHrEEsMAN, Miss L. Evelyn, Entomological Dept., a gical Society, Regent's Park, N.W. 8
1889 Curisty, William M.,-M.A., F.L.S., Watergate, Hmsworth.
C giv. \)
1914 Curystat, R. Neil, B.Sc., 277, First-avenue, Ottawa, Canada.
1909 Ctark, Lt.-Col. C. Turner, F.Z.S., Hillcrest, St. Augustine’s-avenue, S. Croydon.
1908 Curark, Edgar L., 34, Smith-street, Durban, Natal.
1914 Crearen, IL. D., Dept. of Science and Agriculture, Georgetown, British Guiana.
1914 CreGHoRN, Miss Maude Lina West, F.L.S., 14, Alipore-road, Calcutta, India.
1908 CxLurreRBucK, Charles G., Heathside, 23, Heathville-road, Gloucester.
1908 Cx3urrERBucK, P. H., Indian Forest Department, Naini Tal, United Provinces, India.
1904 ¢ Cockayng, Edward A., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., (Councim, 1915-18), 65, Westbourne-terrace, W. 2.
1917 CockrretL, Prof. T. D. A., University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
1917 ¢ Cocks, Frederick, 26, Crown-street, Reading.
1914 Coneman, Leslie C., Dept. of Agriculture, Bangalore, Mysore, India.
1899 t Cottin, James I., F.Z.S., (V.-PRes., 1913; Councin, 1904-6, 1913-15), Sussex Lodge, Newmarket.
1906 Coxtiner, Walter E., D.Sc. (St. And.), M.Sc. (Birm.), F.LS., Research Fellow of the University of St. Andrews, The Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, Scotland.
1918 Comstock, Dr. John Adams, c/o the South-Western Museum, Marmion-way and Avenue, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
1913 ¢ Conny, Miss Blanche A., The Poplars, Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire.
1919 ConsTaBLE, Miss Florence B., 17, Colville Mansions, W. 11.
1919 ¢ Corser, H. H., 3, Thorne-road, Doncaster.
1916 CornrorD, The Rev. Bruce, 18, Havelock-road, Portsmouth.
1911 Corron, Sidney Howard, 14, Chesterfield-street, Mayfair, W. 1.
1913 Cowarp, Thomas Alfred, F.Z.S., 36, George-street, Manchester.
1895 CraprrEE, Benjamin Hill, Holly Bank, Alderley Edge, Cheshire.
1913 Craae, Capt. F. W., M.D., LM.S., Central Research Institute, Kasauli, Punjaub, India.
1919 Crampton, Prof. E. Chester, Massachusetts Agricultwral College, Amherst, Mass., U.S.A.
1909 ¢ Crawieny, W. C., B.A. (Counc, 1917-19), 29, Holland Park-road, W. 4.
1890 Crewe, Sir Vauncey Harpur, Bart., Calke Abbey, Derbyshire.
1880*}+Crisp, Sir Frank, LL.B., B.A., J.P.
1907 Crorr, Edward Octavius, M.D., 12, North Hill-road, Headingley, Leeds.
1908 Cunprin, Millais, M.B., F.R.C.S., Stydersgate, Loughton, Essex.
1919 ¢Cummrine, Bernard Douglas, Royal Hauchange Assurance, Royal Exchange, E.C. 3.
1908 Curtis, W. Parkinson, Drake North, Sandringham -road, Parkstone, Dorset.
( xv )
1901 { Dapp, Edward Martin.
1900 DaterisH, Andrew Adie, 7, Keir-street, Pollokshields, Glasgow.
1886 { Dannart, Walter, St. Lawrence, Guibal-road, Lee, 8.E.
1911 Davey, H. W., Inspector of Department of Agriculture, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia*
1912 Davipson, James, M.Sc., Institute of Plant Pathology, Rotham- sted, Harpenden, Herts.
1905 Davipson, James D., 32, Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh.
1912 Davis, Frederick Lionel, J.P., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Belize, British Honduras.
1910 ¢ Dawson, William George, 44, London-road, Bromley, Kent.
1903 Day, F. H., 26, Currock-terrace, Carlisle. —
1898 Day, G. O., Sahlatston, Duncan’s Station, Vancower Island, British Columbia.
1917 ¢ DicksEx, Arthur, 24, Lyford-road, Wandsworth Common, 8.W. 18.
1875 ¢ Distant, William Lucas, (V.-Pres., 1881, 1900; Src, 1878- 80; Councin, 1900-2), Glenside, 170, Birchanger-road, South Norwood, 8.E. 25.
1887 { Drxey, Frederick Augustus, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Fellow and Bursar of Wadham College, (PrEs., 1909-10; V.-Prus., 1904-5, 1911; CounciL, 1895, 1904-6), Wadham College, Oxford.
1909 + Dosson, Thomas, 33, The Park, Sharples, nr. Bolton.
1905 Dopp, Frederick P., Kuranda, vid Cairns, Queensland.
1912 + Dore, Major Kenneth Alan Crawford, R.A.M.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hook Heath, Woking.
1906 * DoLLMAN, Hereward, Hove House, Newton-grove, Bedford-park, W. 4.
1906 ~ Doncaster, Leonard, M.A., The University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge.
1891 { DonisrHorrE, Horace St. John K., F.Z.8., (V.-Pres., 1911; Councin, 1899-1901, 1910-12), Dwrandesthorpe, 19, Hazlewell- road, Putney, S.W. 15.
1913 ¢ Dow, Walter James, 5, Great College-street, Westminster, S.W. 1.
1910 Dowyes-SHaw, Rev. Archibald, Scotton Rectory, Gainsborough.
1884 + Drucr, Hamilton H. C. J., F.Z.S. (Councizt, 1903-5), 26, South Hill Park, Hampstead, N.W. 3.
1900 Drury, W. D., Clarendon, Laton-road, Hastings.
1894 Duperon, G. C., 1, Zetland House, Cheniston-gardens, Kensington, W. 8.
1913 Durrienp, Charles Alban William, Stowting Rectory, Hythe, and Wye College, Kent. .
1906 { DuxryFieLp Jongs, E., Custro, Reigate.
1883 £ Durrant, John Hartley, (V.-PREs., 1912-13; Counctn, 1911-13, 1919— ), Merton, 17, Burstock-road, Putney, S.W. 15; and British Musewm (Natural History), Cromavell-road, S. Kensington, S.W. 7.
1910 ¢ Kaues-Wurre, Capt. J. Cushny, 49, Chester-tervace, Eaton-sq., S.W.1. 1912 $ Kart, Herbert L., M.A., 12, Avondale-road North, Southport, Lancs.
1865 { Eaton, The Rev. Alfred Edwin, M.A., (Counctt, 1877-9), Rich- mond Villa, Northam S.0., N. Devon.
1902 ¢ EpetstEn, Hubert M., The Elms, Forty Hill, Enfield, Middlesex.
1919 Epwarpes, Capt. Tickner, R.A.M.C., The Red Cottage, Burpham, Arundel, Sussex.
1911 { Epwarps, F. W., 56, Norton-road, Letchworth.
1886 Epwarps, James, Colesborne, Cheltenham.
1884 + Epwarps, Stanley, F.L.S., F.Z.S. (Counc, 1912-14), 15, St. Germans-place, Blackheath, 8.E. 3.
1913 Epwarps, William H., Natural History Dept., The Museum, Birmingham.
1916 t EFFALATOUN, Hassan, Shoubrah-avenue, Cairo, Egypt.
1900 ¢ Exniorr, E. A., 41, Chapel Park-road, St. Leonards-on-Sea.
1900 ¢ Exuis, H. Willoughby, F.Z.S. (Councm, 1916-18), 3, Lancaster- place, Belsize Park, N.W. 3.
1919 Eston, Albert H., Delemont, Childers-street, N. Adelaide, Australia.
1903 { ErrrineHAM, Harry, M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.S. (V.-Prus., 1914, 1918 ; CounciL, 1913-15, 1918- _), Woodhouse, Stroud, Gloucestershire , and Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford.
1878 Etwes, Henry John, J.P., F.R.S., F.LS., F.Z.S. (Pres., 1893-4 ; V.-PREs., 1889-90, 1892, 1895 ; CounciL, 1888-90), Colesborne, Cheltenham.
1903 Erxerrings, Robert, Curator, Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W.
1908 Eustace, Eustace Mallabone, M.A., Wellington College, Berks.
1919 Evans, Lt.-Col. Wm. Henry, D.S.0., R.E., c/o Messrs. Cox & Co., 16, Charing Cross, W.C, 2.
1919 Fauconer, William, Wilberlee, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield.
1907 Fraruer, Walter, Kibwezi, British Hast Africa.
1900+ FerrHam, H. L. L., Mercantile Buildings, Swmmonds-street, Johannesburg, Transvaal.
1861 t Fenn, Charles, Hversden House, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, 8.E. 12.
1910 Fernyrs, A., M.D., 170, North Grange Grove-Avenue, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
1918 Frrauson, Anderson, 22, Polworth-gardens, Glasgow, W.
1889 FERNALD, Prof.C. H., c/o H.T. Fernald, Esq., Amherst, Mass., U.S.A.
1900 Firs, J. Digby, F.L.S., Boys’ Modern School, Leeds.
1900 || FLemyna, The Rev. Canon W. Westropp, M.A., Coolfin, Portlaw, co. Waterford.
1898 ¢ FiercueER, Prof. T. Bainbrigge, R.N., Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, Bihar, India.
1883 + Frercumr, William Holland B., M.A., Aldwick Manor, Bognor.
1905 FrorrsHErm, Cecil, 16, Kensington Court Mansions, 8.W.
1885 Foxxer, A. J. F., Zierikzee, Zeeland, Netherlands.
1914 ForpHam, William John, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 20, Spring View- road, Sheffield.
( iiavn 9)
1913 Foster, Arthur H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.(Eng.), M.B.0.U., Sussex House, Hitchin, Herts.
1900 Fourkss, P. Hedworth, B.Sc., Harper-Adams Agricullural College, Newport, Salop.
1898 ¢ Founrainn, Miss Margaret, 804, lizabeth-street, Paradeua, California, U.S.A.
1880 ¢ Fowner, The Rev. Canon, D.Sc., M.A., F.L.S., (Pres., 1901-2 ; V.-Pres., 1903 ; Suc., 1886-96), Harley Vicarage, near Reading.
1908 Frassr, Frederick C., Capt., M.D., I.M.S., Bombay Natural History Society, 6, Apollo-street, Bombay, India.
1896 FreEKr, Percy Evans, Southpoint, Limes-road, Folkestone.
1888 ¢ Fremury, H. Stuart, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Markwith, Nether-street, North Finchley.
1910 ¢ Frissy, G. E., 31, Darnley-roud, Gravesend.
1908 Frogcart, Walter W., F.L.S., Government Entomologist, Agri- cultural Musewm, George-strect North, Sydney, New Sowh Wales.
1891 ¢ Fronawk, F. W., Uplands, Thundersby, Essex.
1906*}F ry, Harold Armstrong, P.O. Box 46, Johannesburg, Transvaal.
1900 ¢ FryEr, H. Fortescue, The Priory, Chatteris, Cambs.
1907 ¢ Fryer, John Claud Fortescue, M.A. (Councin, 1916-18), Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4, Whitehall-place, 8.W. 1.
1876+ Funter, The Rev. Alfred, M.A., The Lodge, 7, Sydenham-hill, Sydenham, 8.1, 26.
1898 || FuLiur, Claude, Government Entomologist, Pietermaritzburg, Natal.
1887 +GanHan, Charles Joseph, M.A., D.Sc., Vick-PRESIDENT (PRES., 1917-18; V.-PreEs., 1916; Skc., 1899-1900; Councin, 1893-5, 1901,1914-19), 8, Lonsdale-road, Bedford Park, W.4; and British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell-road, 8.W.7.
1890 Garpyer, John, Laurel Lodge, Hart, West Hartlepool.
_1901F+¢GarpnNER, Willoughby, F.LS., F.S.A., Deganwy, N. Wales.
1913 ¢ pe Gays, J. A., King’s College, Lagos, S. Nigeria.
1919 { Gepyr, Alfred Francis John, P.O. Box 216, Nairoli, British East Africa.
1899 ¢ GetparRt, William Martin, M.A., 10, Chadlington-road, Oxford.
1913 ¢ Gres, Lachlan, 38, Blackheath Park, Blackheath, S.E. 3.
1915 Grpson, Arthur, Entomological Branch, Dept. of Agriculture,
Ottawa, Canada.
1908 GirraRD, Walter M., P.0. Box 308, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1907 Gites, Henry Murray, Head Keeper of Zoological Gardens, South Perth, W. Australia.
1904+ Ginur1atT, Francis, B.A., Windham Club, St. James’s-square, Piccadilly, S.W. 1.
1919 GimineHamM, Conrad Theodore, O.B.E., F.1.C., Lynwood, Long Ashton, Bristol.
1914 Goprrry, E. J., Education Dept., Bangkok, Siam.
1865*}GopMaN, Frederick Du Cane, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S, (PRES., 1891-2; V.-Prus., 1882-3, 1886, 1889-90, 1902 ; CouncIL, 1880-1, 1900), South Lodge, Lower Beeding, Horsham ; and 45, Pont- street, S.W.
1904 Goopwin, Edward, Canon Court, Wateringbury, Kent.
1898 { Gorpon, J. G. McH., Corsemalzie, Whauphill S.O., Wigtownshire.
1898 t Gorpon, R. S. G. McH., Drumblair, Inverness.
1855 Goruam, The Rev. Henry Stephen, F.Z.S., (Counctn, 1882-3), High- croft, Great Malvern.
1913 Gouen, Lewis, Ph.D., Entomologist to the Govt. of Egypt, Dept. of Agriculture, Cuiro.
1909 Gowpbey, Carlton C., B.Se., Biological Laboratory, P.O. Box. 5, Kampala, Uganda, E. Africa.
1918 Gracnr, George, B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc., 23, Alexander crescent, Ilkley, Yorks.
1914 Gravetry, F. H., The Indian Musewm, Calcutta.
1911 { Graves, Major P. P., Turf Club, Cairo, Egypt.
189i¢{GreEEN, E. Ernest, F.Z.S. (V.-Pres., 1915; Councrt, 1914-16), Way's End, Beech-avenue, Camberley.
1910 GREEN, Herbert A., The Central Fire Station, Durban, Natal.
1894 GreeEN, J. F., F.Z.S., City of London Club, Old Broad-street, H.C. 2.
1893 | GREENWOOD, Henry Powys, F.L.S., Whitsbury House, Salisbury.
1888 GrirFitHs, G. C., F.Z.S., Penhurst, 3, Leigh-road, Clifton, Bristol.
1894 | Grimsuaw, Percy H., Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh.
1905 Grist, Charles J., The Croft, Curol Green, Berkswill, Coventry.
1906 GuRNEY, Gerard H., Keswick Hall, Norwich.
1910 Gurney, William B., Asst. Govt. Entomologist, Department of Agriculture, Sydney, Australia.
1912 Hacker, Henry, Butterfield-street, Bowen Bridge-road, Brisbane, Queensland:
1919 Hapwen, Dr. Seymour, D.Vet.Sci., Biological Central Hxperi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Canada.
1906 { Haun, Arthur, 7, Park-lane-mansions, Croydon.
1890ttHaun, Albert Ernest, ¢/o City Librarian, Surrey-street, Sheffield.
1885 { Haut, Thomas William, Wood Grange, Shire-lane, Chorley Wood, Herts,
1912 Hauuerr, ‘Howard Mountjoy, 64, Westbowrne-road, Penarth, Glamorganshire.
1898 || Hamuyn-Harris, R., D.Sc, F.L.S., F.Z.8., F.R.M.S., Director of the Queensland Museum, St. Ronans, Wilston, Brisbane, Australia.
1915 Hamm, Albert Harry, 22, Southfield-road, Oxford.
1891 ¢ Hansury, Frederick J., F.L.S., Brockhurst, E. Grinstead.
1905 | Hancock, Joseph L., 5454, University-avenue, Chicago, U.S.A.
1916 * Hannyneton, Frank, Shorebank, Bognor, Sussex.
1917 Harpine, William G., Christ Church, Oxford, and Junior Army and Navy Club, Whitehall, S.W. 1.
() xe»)
1903 ¢ Hares, E. J., 4, New-square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C. 2.
1904 ¢ Harris, Edward, 58, Wilson-street, Finsbury, H.C.
1910 ¢ Harwoop, Philip Bernard, 2, Fern Villas, Melford-road, Sudbury.
1919 Hawker-Surru, William, Speedwell Cottage, Hambledon, Godalming, Surrey.
1910 ¢ Hawxsnaw, J. C.
1913¢¢Hawksuaw, Oliver, 3, Hill-street, Mayfair, W. 1.
1919 | Haywarp, H.C., M.A., Repton, Derby.
1910 ¢ Hepaes, Alfred van der, Stoke House, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks.
1919 Hemuine, Arthur Francis, Oxford and Cumbridge Club, Pall Mall, 8.W., and Cambridge Lodge, Horley, Surrey.
1910 Henperson, J., c/o Messrs. Osborne & Chappel, Ipoh, Perak, Federated Malay States.
1898 Herov, Francis A., B.A., 9, Park House, Highbury Park, N. 5.
1918 Herrrop-HempsaLh, Joseph, Orchard House, Stockingstone-road, Initon, Beds.
1903 Herrrop-Hempsatt, William, W.B.C. Apiary, Old Bedford-road, Luton, Beds.
1908 Hewrrr, C. Gordon, D.Sc., Dominion Entomologist, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada.
1913 Hewirr, John, B.A., Director, Albany Museum, Grahamstown, S. Africa.
1913 Hint, Gerald F., Veterinary School, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.
1876 HittmMan, Thomas Stanton, Hastgate-street, Lewes.
1907 { Hoar, Thomas Frank Partridge, Mercia, Albany-road, Leighton Buzzard.
1917 Hockin, John W., Castle-street, Launceston.
1914 Hoper, The Rev. Canon Edward Grose, The Rectory, Birmingham
1912 Hopes, Harold, 91, Highbury-place, N. 5.
1888 Hopson, The Rev. J. H., B.A., B.D., Rhyddington, Clifton Drive, Lytham.
1902 Hots, R.S., c/o Messrs. King and Co., Bombay.
1910 { Hotrorp, H. O., Elstead Lodge, Godalming, Surrey.
1887 Hottanp, The Rev. W. J., D.D., Ph.D., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Penn., U.S.A.
1898 Hotman-Hunt, C. B., Asst. Entomologist, Department of Agri- culture, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States.
1910 ¢ Hotes, Edward Morrell, Ruthven, Sevenoaks.
1901 { Hopson, Montagu F., L.D.S., R.C.S.Eng., F.LS., 7, Harley-street, Pe
1897 Horne, Arthur, Bonn-na-coile, Murtle, Aberdeenshire.
1919 DE Horrack-Fournier, Mme., 90, Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris, and Chateau de Voisins, Louveciennes, Seine et Oise, France.
1903 Hovuceuron, J. T., 1, Portland-place, Worksop.
1907 + Howarp, C. W., Canton Christian College, Canton, China.
1900 Howes, W. George, 259, Cumberland-street, Dunedin, New Zealand.
( xx )
1907 ¢ Howzert, Frank M., M.A., Wymondham, Norfolk.
1865}+tHupp, A. E., 108, Pembroke-road, Clifton, Bristol.
1888 Hupson, Geauge Vernon, Hill View, Karori, Wellington, New Zealand,
1919 Huan, Williams, J.P., Tresaison, Cloverdale, British Columbia.
1907 Huauss, C. N., 178, Clarence Gate-gardens, Regent’s Park, N.W. 1.
1912 Huir, Miss Lily, Hollywood, Colinton-road, Edinburgh.
1917 Hunver, David, M.A., M.B., The Coppice, Nottingham.
1897 ¢ Imaaz, Prof. Selwyn, M.A., (Councit, 1909-11), 78, Parkhurst-road, Camden-road, N. 7.
1912,{Imus, A. D., D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S., (Councin, 1919- ), Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts.
1908 || IrRBy, Col, Leonard Paul, Evington-place, Ashford, Kent.
1918 Isaacs, P. V., Assistant Het deecient Madras Ag sriculiee College and Tsaaeh Institute, ane India.
1907 Jack, Rupert Wellstood, Government Entomologist, Department of Agriculture, Salisbury, Rhodesia.
1917 ¢ Jackson, Miss Dorothy J., Swordale, Evanton, Ross-shire.
1907 { Jackson, P. H., 112, Balham-park-road, S.W. 12.
1911 ¢ Jacons, Major J. J., R.E., Holmesleigh, Burgess Hill, Sussex.
1910 || Jacoss, Lionel L., c/o Algoma Steel Corporation, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.
1914 Jawnsz, A. J. T., 1st-street, Gezina, Pretoria, 8S. Africa.
1869 + Janson, Oliver E., 44, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. 1. ; and Cestria, Claremont-road, Highgate, N. 6.
1898 Janson, Oliver J., Cestria, Claremont-road, Highgate, N. 6.
1912 || Jarpine, Nigel K., The Glenan, Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire.
1919 Jans, Miss Gertrude M., Penn Court, 54, Cromwell-road, S.W. 7.
1886 JENNER, James Herbert Augustus, Hast Gate House, Lewes.
1909 JxEpson, Frank P., Peradeniya, Ceylon.
1917+ Jermyn, Col. Turenne, Highcliffe, Weston-super-Mare, and 41, Norland-square, W. 11.
1886 JoHN, Evan, Llantrisant S.0., Glamorganshire.
1907 JoHnson, Charles Fielding, West Bank, Didsbury-road, Heaton Mersey.
1917 JoHNsSON, Jesse, 16 and 17, Marston-road, Stafford.
1889 Jounson, The Rev. W. F., M.A., Acton Rectory, Poyntz Pass, co. Armagh.
1908 Jotcny, James J., The Hill, Witley, Surrey.
1888 { Jonzs, Albert H., (V.-PREs., 1912, 1918; TRras.,1904-17; CounciL, 1898-1900, 1904-1918),. Shrublands, Eltham, 8.E. 9.
1894¢t¢Jorpan, Dr.. K., (V.-PRes. 1909; Councin, 1909-11), The Museum, Tring.
1910 ¢ Josepn, E, G., 23, Clanricarde-qaitdens, W. 2.
1910 ¢ Joy, Ernest Cooper, Eversley, Dale-road, Purley.
( ime)
1902 t Joy, Norman H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Theale, Berks. 1919 JuRRIAANSE, J. H., Schickade, 75, Rotterdam, Holland.
1911 Kannan, Kunhi, M.A., Asst. Entomologist to the Govt. of Mysore, Bangalore, South India,
18767 {Kay, John Dunning, Leeds.
1896 + Kayz, William James, (Councin, 1906-8), Caracas, Ditton Hill, Surbiton.
1907 || Ketiy, Albert Ernest McClure, Division of Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Pretoria, S. Africa.
1890 + Kenrick, Sir George H., Whetstone, Somerset-road, Hdgbaston, Birmingham.
1904 KersHaw, G. Bertram, Ingleside, West Wickham, Kent.
1906 Keynes, John Neville, M.A., D.Sc., 6, Harvey-road, Cambridge.
1900 Kxys, James H., 7, Whimple-street, Plymouth.
1919 KHare, Jagamath Layman, Lecturer in Entomology, Agricultural College, pes India.
1912 Krvye, Harold H., Govt. Entomologist, Gordon College, Khartoum,
Sudan. 1889 Kuna, Prof. James J. F.-X., 1, Athole Gardens-terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow. 1913 Kirey, W. Egmont, M.D., Hilden, 46, Sutton Court-road, Chiswick, W. 4,
1917 { Kirkpatrick, Thos. W., The Deanery, Ely, and Room 270, War Office, Whitehall, 8.W. 1.
1887 | Kunin, Sydney T., F.LS., F.R.AS., Lancaster Lodge, Kew Gardens, Surrey.
1916 { Laine, Frederick, Natural History Musewm, Cromwell-road, 8.W. 7.
1910 ¢ Lakin, C. Ernest, M.D., F.R.C.S., 105, Harley-street, W. 1.
1911+ LaMBorN, W. A., M. RC. S., LR. P., The Mularia Bureau, Kuala Lampur, Feder el Maka States.
1919 Lamont, Sir Norman, Bart,, 4, Queen-street, Mayfair, W. 1, and
Palmiste, Trinidad, B.W.LI.
1917 Laneuawm, Sir Charles, Bart., empo Manor, Co. Fermanagh.
1916 Lara, Prof. Robert, D.Phil., University of Glasgow.
1912 Larvour, Cyril Engelhart, Bore of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
1895 Larrer, Oswald H., M.A., Charterhouse, Godalming.
1899 Lea, Arthur M., Government Entomologist, Musewm, Adelaide, S. Australia.
1914 Leecuman, Alleyne, M.A., F.L.S., F.C.S., Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; and St. Hubert’s, Main-street, Georgetown, British Guiana.
1910 Leriax, H.S8., The University, Manchester.
1900 LeicH-Puiuips, Rev. W. J., Burtle Vicarage, Bridgwater.
1903}iLeverr, The Rev. Thomas Prinsep, Frenchgate, Richmond, Yorks.
1876 ¢ Lewis, George, F.L.8., (Councin, 1878, 1884), 30, Shorncliffe-road, Folkestone.
1908 + Lewis, John Spedan, Grove Farm, Greenford Green, South Harrow ; and 277, Oxford-street, W.
1892 Lieatroot, R. M., South African Musewm, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. ,
1914 ¢ Lister, J. J., St. John’s College, Cambridge; and Merton House, Svtchieater, Cambs.
1903 LirrLEr, ea M., Box 114, P.O., Launceston, Tasmania.
1865 ¢ Liunrwetyy, Sir Tohm Talbot Dilly Bart., M:A., ae
Penllergare, Swansea.
1881 + Luoyp, Alfred, F.C.S., Zhe Dome, Bognor.
1919 Luoyp, Llewellyn, Chief Entomologist in N. Rhodesia, Cartref, Slingsby, Malton, Yorks.
1885} {Luioyp, Robert Wyle, (Councit, 1900-1), I, 5 and 6, Albany, Piccadilly, W. 1.
1903 LorrHousE, Thomas Ashton, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.
1908 ¢ Lonespon, D., The Flower House, Southend, Catford, S.E. 6.
1904;{Loncstarr, George Blundell, M.A., M.D., (V.-Pres., 1909, 1915, 1917 ; Councin, 1907-9, 1915-17), lighlands, Putney Heath; 5, W. ia: :
1899 || LounsBury, Charles P., B.Se., Government Entomologist, Box 513, Pretoria, S. Africa.
1893 Lower, Oswald B., Pinarro, South Australia.
1901 Lower, Rupert S., Bartley-terrace, Wayville, S. Australia.
1898 { Lucas, William John, B.A., (Councin, 1904-6), 28, Knights Park, Kingston-on- Thames.
1903 LyeE.t, G., Gisborne, Victoria, Australia.
1912 Ly.x, George Trevor, 7, Scrope-terrace, Cambridge.
1909 Lyon, Francis Hamilton, 89, Clarence Gate-gardens, Upper Baker- street, N.W. 1.
1887 M‘Doucatt, James Thomas, St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight.
1910 MacpouGatt,R. Stewart, M.A.,D.Sc.,F.R.S.E., Edinburgh University.
1919 McLrop, Murdoch Campbell, The Rainyielada, Cobham, Surrey, and McLeod & Son, Calcutta, India.
1900 Mackwoop, The Hon. F. M., M.L.C., Colombo, Ceylon.
1919 MackwortH-PRAeED, Cyril Winthrop, Dalton Hill, Albury, Surrey.
1899}{Matrn, Hugh, B.Sc., (Counctn, 1908-10), Almondale, Buckingham- road, South Woodford, N.E.
1914 Matuzock, J. Russell, State Entomologist’s Office, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A.
1905 Mauuy, Charles Wm., M.Se., Dept. of Agriculture, Cape Town, S. Africa.
1892 $ MansBrinGE, William, Dunraven, Church-road, Wavertrec, Liverpool.
1894+¢MaRsHALL, Alick.
1895 } MarsHaLt, Guy Anstruther Knox, D.Sc., F.Z.S., Vick-PREsIDENT, (CounciL, 1907-8, 1919- ), 6, Chester-place, Hyde Park-square, W. 2
(sx. ~)
1896 MarsHatt, P., M.A., B.Sc, F.G.S., University School of Mines, Dunedin, New Zealand.
1897 Martinravu, Alfred H., Barum, Crewkerne, Somerset.
1919 Marumo, N., Zoological Institute, Agricultural College, Imperial
, University, Komaba, Tokyo, Japan.
1895 Massey, Herbert, Ivy-Lea, Burnage, Didsbury, Alanchester,
1865 Martuew, Gervase F., F.L.S., Paymaster-in-chief, R.N., (CouncIL, 1887), Lee House, Dovercourt, Harwich.
1887 Marruews, Coryndon, Stentaway, Plymstock, S. Devon.
1912 Mauvutx, Prof., Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.
1900 ¢ Maxwe.u-Lerroy, H., Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington, 8.W.
1916 | May, Harry Haden, Blackfriars House, Plymouth.
1913 ¢ Maven, Louis, Melbourne, Dyke-road, Preston, Brighton.
1919 Mettiows, Charles, M.A., The College, Bishop’s Stortford.
1885 Metvitt, James Cosmo, M.A., F.L.S., Meole Brace Hall, Shrewsbury.
1907 { Metvitir, Mrs. Catharine Maria, Kapai, Elburton, S. Devon.
1914 Menon, J. R., B.A., Vrichur, Cochin State, S. India.
1887 { Merririecp Frederic, (PREs., 1905-6 ; V.-PRes., 1893, 1907 ; Sxc., 1897-8 ; CounctIL, 1894, 1899), 14, Clifton-terrace, Brighton.
1912 Merrcaurs, Rev. J. W., The Vicarage, Ottery St. Mary, Devon.
1880 { Meyrick, Edward, B.A., #.R.S., F.Z.S., Thornhanger, Marlborough.
1883 { Mines, W. H., e/o E. Step, Esq., 158, Dora-road, Wimbledon Park, S.W. 19.
1913 Muiuurr, I’. V. Bruce, Livingston, N. Rhodesia, Africa.
1919 Minus, Herbert William, N.D.A., The Gardens, Lydney Park Glos.
1905 ¢ Mirrorp, Robert Sidney, C.B., Thornlea, Weybridge.
1914 Miyaxet, Dr. Tsunekata, The Agricultural College, Tokyo Imperial University, Komaba, Tokyo, Japan.
1879 || Monretro, Dr. Antonio Augusto de Carvalho, 70, Rua do Alecrinar, Lisbon.
1902 + Monrcomery, Arthur Meadows, 34, Shalimar Gardens, Pembridge- road, North Acton, W. 11.
1899 ¢ Moore, Harry, 12, Lower-road, Rotherhithe.
1916 Moors, Ralph Headley, B.A., Heathfield, Plymstock, Devon.
1886 Morean, A.C. F., F.LS., 135, Oakwood-court, Kensington, W. 14.
1889+ +Moricu, The Rev. F. D., M.A., F.Z.S., Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, VicE-PRESIDENT, (PRES., 1911, 1912, V.-PReEs., 1902, 1904, 1913; Councin, 1902-4, 1918— ), Brunswick, Mount Hermon, Woking.
1895} ¢Mortey, Claude, F.Z.S., Monk Soham House, Suffolk.
1893 Morron, Kenneth J., 13, Blackford-road, Edinburgh.
1910 $ Mosgeny, Martin E., 94, Camden Hill-road, Kensington, W. 8.
1882 Mosuey, 8. L., The Museum and Technical College, Huddersfield.
1911 ¢ Moss, Rey. A. Miles, c/o Messrs, Booth & Co., Para, Brazil,
() saae }
1907¢{Movutton, John C., O.B.E.,° M.A., B.Sc., F.Z.8., &c., Director, Raffles Museum and Library, Singapore, Straits Settlements, and The Hall, Bradford-on-Avon.
1911 Movnsey, J. Jackson, 24, Glencairn-crescent, Edinburgh.
1901f{Murir, Frederick, H.S.P.A. Haperiment Station, Honolilu, Oahu, Pi Be i
1912 +} Mutray, Jal Phirozshah, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Professor of Biology, St. Xavier's College, Lamington-road, Grant Road Post, Bombay, India.
1869} Mixer, Albert, F.R.G.S., (Councrt, 1872-3), c/o Herr A. Miiller- Mechel, Grenzacherstrasse 60, Basle, Switzerland.
1918 Munro, Lieut. James W., R.A.M.C., Forestry Commission, 23, Grosvenor-crescent, S.W_ 1.
1914 Murray, George H., Government Station, Kikori, Detta Division, Papua.
1917 Muscuamp, Percy A. H., Charterhouse School, Godalming.
~1909 Musuam, John F., 48, Brook-street, Selby, Yorks.
1903 ¢ Neave, 8. A., M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.S., Secretary, 1919- (V.-PREs., 1918 ; CounciL, 1916-— ), 88, Queen’s Gate, S.W.7, and 24, de Vere-gardens, Kensington, W. 8.
1919 { Nexn, Louis, Imperial Bureau of Entomology, British Museum (Nat. Hist.), S. Kensington, 8.W. 7.
1919 Newson, William George Frazer, 6, Craven Hill, W. 2.
1901 { Nevinson, E. B., Morland, Cobham, Surrey.
1907 { Newman, Leonard Woods, Bexley, Kent.
1913 Newman, Leslie John William, Bernard-street, Claremont, W. Australia.
1909 NewstxaD, Alfred, The Grosvenor Museum, Chester.
1890 NewstEaD, Prof. Robert, M.Sc. F.R.S., A.L.S., Hon. F.R.HS., Dutton Memorial Professor of Entomology, The School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool.
1914 | NicHotson, Charles, 35, The Avenue, Hale-end, Chingford, E. 4.
1909 ¢ NicHoson, Gilbert W., M.A., M.D., (Counc, 1913-15), Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, 8.W. 1.
1918 ¢ Nimmy, Ernest William, 210, Whippendell-road, Watford, Herts.
1906 Nix, John Ashburner, Tilgate, Crawley, Sussex.
1916 Nontra, Akio, Tchijoji, Otagigun, Kyoto, Japan.
1914 Norris, Frederic de la Mare, The Agricultwral Department, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States.
1915 Norrucorg, Dr, A. B., Blenheim House, Monkgate, York.
1878 * NortipGe, Thomas, Ashford, Kent.
1895 Nurs, Lt.-Colonel C. G., Authors’ Club, 2, Whitehall-court, S.W. 1.
1877 Oxsertuiir, René, Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), France. 1893 + OcLxE, Bertram §., Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire. 1910 OLpAKER, Francis A., M.A., The Red House, Haslemere.
(see 37)
1918 O’Nen, Rev. Fr., 8.J., Salisbury, Rhodesia. 1913 ¢ Ormiston, Walter, Kalupahani, Haldummulle, Ceylon.
1895 t Pac, Herbert E., (Councin, 1918- ), Bertrose, Gellatly-road, St. Catherine’s Part, S.E. 15.